

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Grimm legacy

"The Grimm legacy" By Polly Shulman.Is a fantastic book I loved it.The book is about "Elizibeth" a teenage girl who has no friends since she moved and a mean Stepmom who makes her do all the chores and a Dad who doesn't pay attention to her.But when she chooses to do her history report on the infamous Brothers Grimm in her favorite teachers class,things start to change."Mr.Mauskopf" tells her that the report was wonderful and that his friend has a job for her at a library."Elizibeth" is really happy to hear this so she goes to a interview and Marie Antoinette's wig.But the library has a secret they hold the Grimm collection which is a collection of magical items form the stories and that they are going missing."Elizibeth" and her new friends she makes will go on a search to find these items and face great dangers through this tale.The book is wonderful it has allot of twists and laughs.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Black heart of Jamaica

The book "Black heart of Jamaica:A Cat Royal adventure" By Julia Golding.Is a great book I loved it.In this Cat Royal adventure Cat and Pedro join a traveling theatre.The trouble is that during this time there is a slave revolt going on and Pedro is not allowed to leave the ship.first Cat becomes the star of the show then she runs into Billy then she becomes a slave owner and also ends up befriending Billy and much more.This book is filled with adventures I adored it.

The storytellers Daughter

The book "The storytellers Daughter" By Cameron Dokey is a fantastic book.The book begins with the tale of how "King Sharayar" sent his Brother "King Shazaman" to come visit him.But the night when his Brother went to leave he found out that his wife planned to kill him,so he killed her and left his part of the country to Shayrayar's.When Shazaman was there he found out that he was not the only one who could be deceived for his Brothers wife planned to kill him too.The plan was foiled but Shayar was so upset about it that he went crazy and made a proclamation that he will take a wife for one night and kill her the next morning so she cannot take advantage of him.Sharazad is the great storytellers daughter and knows that she is the only one who can stop him from taking many girls lives.This book was really good although the ending wasn't as interesting as it could have been.