

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The charmed return

I finished "The charmed return" By Frewin Jones last night.I adored it!.There will be a sequel.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The charmed return

I am now reading the sixth book in one of my favorite series "The faerie path"By one of my favorite Authors Frewin Jones.As usual I LOVE IT!!!!.Just like I love all the others.In this book "Tania" has lost her memory becuase of "the harper" and the exchange they made.When she gets home,she and "Conner" both think they have lost their minds.Especially when Tania's Mum starts telling her what happened in the past nine weeks.As I said before I adore this book.Especially since one of my favorite characters are back.

Beauty Sleep

I finished "Beauty Sleep" By Camoron Dokey last night.The book was a surprising tale of sleeping beauty that I have never heard before.The book was about "Aurore" the Princess who is destined to fall asleep for a hundred years.Instead of pricking her finger on her sixteenth Birthday she goes into a magical forest to try and stop the perils she is cursed with.There she meets "Ironheart" a Prince who plans to rescue the sleeping Princess.How this turns out read it for yourself.The book had too slow of pace and I did not like the ending at all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I review for BookSneeze®

The skin map

I am finally writing the review for the book "The skin map" By Stephen Lawhead.I ordered this book because it sounded great.The front cover made it sound like a wonderfull adventure and completely interesting.I loved the idea of certain places in already interesting London taking me to alternate worlds to find unbelievable treasures.I was sadly mistaken and dissapointed.The book is about the main character "Kit" who in the beginning is on a mission to take his Girlfriend on a date,this is where the book starts to be excruciatingly boring boring boring.The Author goes into way to much detail on how many tries it took "Kit" to find a way of transportation and frankly I do not care (just get to the point!).Anyway he ends up meeting his long lost super Great Grandfather "Cosmo",who traveled through time in order to meet "Kit" and take "Kit" to another world.There he tells "Kit" that in certain places in London you can go to other worlds.To wrap up the summery of the book."Kit" and His Grandfather "Cosmo" go on a great adventure to find a man that has on his body a map tattood that will lead them on a race to try and find a great treasure before anyone else does.The book sounds great right.Nope.The book was (as I said before) very very boring and went into way to much detail.I will not be reading the sequel.

Beauty Sleep

Right now I am reading "Beauty Sleep:A retelling of Sleeping Beauty" By Cameron Dokey.I started reading this book yesterday and ever since then I cannot stop.The book started out really tedious and the Author rambled way to much.I am assuming that this was written before "The Storyteller's daughter" but after "Aurore" a.k.a "Sleeping Beauty" gets on good terms with her cousin "Oswald" who is to inherent the throne,the book gets interesting.